Saturday, 1 February 2014

winter wimpy

I am reminded once again of winter wimpies this morning as I trudge about on my bicycle through the snow. Beyond a few stalwart souls pressing on through winter's wet, I encountered no one until I arrived at my resting place in coffee mecca. There was no where to sit.  The place was, in fact, packed.

There are two kinds of winter wimpies in my experience.

One refuses to acknowledge the existence of the snow season and moves from one heated environ to another, living in a state of denial and misery. This morning has provided ample evidence that lots of people continue to fall into this category of winter wimp. At one point, I belonged to the ranks of the miserable winter wimp, but I got over it and remembered that I do, in fact, live in Canada and had best get over my loathing of winter and get on with it, whatever "it" may be.

The other brand of winter wimpies are weather limited. I fall into this category. My limit is -20. Once it falls below that, my interest in the great outdoors is transformed wholesale into an interest in the great indoors. Sadly, what drives me outside in warmer weather does not go away simply because the temperature has become somewhat uncivilized by my definition of the term. I just lose all interest in engaging in outdoor activities.

In short, I go bananas!

Thankfully, lulls in the winter madness do occur and the outdoors regains its allure.

1 comment:

  1. I seem to be turning into a winter wimpy. All I want is good gardening weather. Although, today is quite pretty, I do have to admit.
