Saturday 25 January 2014

deductive reasoning

When you look out of your front door and see this...

We did not take this car. Instead, we took the heavier one.
It might be prudent to stay at home.

However, there is nothing in me that just screams prudence, so we went out and ran some errands.

Shot through the glass of a local coffee shop - what are errands without coffee?
Part of our running about involved a trip out of town on back roads to my parent's house to pick up my daughter who was visiting with them.

We saw this.

oops... it is still in the middle of the road
Further down the road, we saw this.

note the lane plowed on each side of the car - it is exactly in the middle of the road and very stuck
Applying deductive reasoning to what we saw brought me to the following conclusion. White Mazda 3 driver suffers a loss of control of the vehicle. Likely, they whapped a big drift in the dark last night. Poof, into the drift. Not getting out.

This is fairly obvious.

Driver calls for help. Taxi comes and gets them. Picks them up. Crests hill on the way back into the city. Mires car in deep drift.

Has to call for help.

I have no idea if that is what happened or not, but it is a fairly comical story if true.

Incidentally, we saw the taxi owner trying to tow the taxi out of the drift in the middle of the road with a light weight Suzuki car. I wish I had had the time to sit and watch. The Camry hybrid in the drift was significantly heavier than the car doing the towing...

Hopefully, he rescued his cab without wrecking anything.

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