Monday, 10 February 2014

mucking about

A few posts ago, I pointed out that I am a fan of longer focal lengths for walking about and made rumblings about desiring the 25mm f1.8 Olympus just announced to my 45 and 75mm f1.8 primes. I expressed a dislike for the 17mm f1.8. I had used it before, but was not happy with it for reasons I could not really put my finger on. I think it had something to do with the focal length just not meshing up with how I "see" things when out with the camera.

But then...

But then, I was put in a position to borrow a nice shiny black 17mm f1.8 with a hood from a family member who was giving me the gears about how this lens bugged me. 

And I thought, fair is fair. Perhaps I have not given this lens a good enough, a long enough test run.

Since I will have it to use for a couple of weeks, give or take a day or so, I shall do just that and see what I think of it. Should be a lot of fun!

With that in mind, here are a couple of contrasty black and whites from the heart of our snowy uptown tonight.

"We can't find the image at that URL.
  • Please check the address for typing errors.
  • Make sure the image is public. If your image is protected by a password, or on an internal network, we will not be able to read it."
Isn't that a great picture? If blogger lets me post the picture from a public non passworded link later, I will. If not, you will just have to imagine a picture or two taken in low light during winter of an urban scene at a 35mm equivalent focal length.


A miracle has happened!!!


Short lived I fear...

"We can't find the image at that URL.
  • Please check the address for typing errors.
  • Make sure the image is public. If your image is protected by a password, or on an internal network, we will not be able to read it."
Really blogger? Really?!?

EDIT 2: Straight to the html I go!

If this makes you think I am sick of how flakey Blogger is getting, you would be right!

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