Monday, 20 December 2010

on finding another route

My usual running route has narrowed up too much to be much fun at this time of year. The one section has a very narrow sidewalk on it, and try as I might, I am having difficulty passing people who refuse to share the sidewalk. So, rather than risk a collision, I have switched up my route a bit.

Thankfully, there are a lot of MUPs in the immediate area of my house which can be linked together to provide a nice run. I can either do a longer loop (like I did last night) or an out and back along the Laurel Trail and Iron Horse Trail. The only problem is that it is downhill out, and uphill back for the most part. Ouch. The loop I did last night (looping around through the high tech park, University of Waterloo, Laurel Trail, Iron Horse Trail, up Glasgow, down Fischer Hallman, etc) is at least slightly less uphill on the way back since it slices off the side of a biggish hill rather nicely.

Here is the mileage report:

Run: 15.5 km @ 9.19km taking 1:41:10 (I keep getting slower! I cannot shake this cold!)
Run km total: 74.58 km

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