Friday, 31 December 2010

I'm back! (sort of)

What a week the holiday week turned out to be!

Family times were good and wonderful, but we all managed to get hammered by one of the worst cases of influenza that I have seen in ages.

Let's just say that the ewww factor was high and leave it at that, shall we? We are all better now and are raring to go again.

Here is a brief run update from Christmas Eve:

Run: 12.5km
Run km total: 87.05km

The mileage is a bit of a guess (I recorded it) because my phone decided to brick itself and had to be completely reset. Naturally, this happened before I had a chance to record all the details. I am, however, within 200m of being dead on so close enough. I remember it being a slow one though.

I miss my bikes.

Speaking of which, within the next week I should have my shiny new Kona Dew City hanging on a hook in the basement ready to go. I am a bit loath to use it in the snow this winter since I have no place to store it and keep it cold. Nothing is quite so bad for a bike (short of running it over in a truck...) as riding it in the salty Southern Ontario snow and then bringing it into a nice warm heated house. You could, if you felt like it, sit and watch it rust for an evening's entertainment. I am crazy, but lets be serious here:) By next winter, there ought to be a shed or something secure outside where I can lock it and let it stay frozen. I might do what a friend does - he has a shed dug into the ground, and inside the shed is a post set in five feet of concrete. This post has a ring welded to it. His commuter bike gets put in the shed, locked to the post, and then the shed is locked from the outside. No one steals it...

On another note, I am picking up an old friend today. Yes, it is a bike. My friend has been holding my most prized possession from my teen years for me for a number of seasons now. It is my old Marinoni road racing bike from about 1984 or so. I forget precisely when the frame was built. It might be from 1981. I put many many thousands of km on that beastie and wore the frame out to the point where the rear triangle is fatigued and hard accelerations cause the gears to change. Ahhh bliss. I am looking forward to polishing it up and making it look like new again. It will then hang on a hook in the basement and get ridden on "special" occasions (like when I feel like it or something...)

And lastly, I have started a new photography project. It is one of those tacky flickresque 365 projects where you take one picture a day for one year with one central theme. Mine is pictures of or from my bikes. Expect more of than from during the winter months... However, there shall be much that is from them when the season starts. I already have plans to carefully haul the rig out to the off road trails and take pictures of my friend (and he of me) whaling it down some trails. Expect too some of the family or bits of it on outings, and at least some of my daily commute. It should be fun once it gets rolling.

Here is the link:

Cheers for now,


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