Wednesday, 24 October 2012

out riding because I had no other choice, really

It happens to me sometimes. I have no choice. A bicycle has to be ridden.

Today, I spent a rather pleasant half hour talking to a person I have not spoken to, but have seen before; had a nice visit with an old friend I "bumped" into while riding; and talked to a very nice construction worker building a new high rise condo about the rigours of working through a Canadian winter. He says he has done this for years, and is dreading it.

Oh, and I used my new light as a bright "lookit me!!" light again. A review will be forthcoming when I get the rest of my pictures taken with it sometime this week or early next. I also logged a pitiful 32km or so - at least 30-50km per day needs to be logged by year's end if I am to break 8.5k km by New Year's Day.

But here is the light:

And some more of the new building going in at Allen and Park Streets in Waterloo. I have been watching this go up with interest all year as it is going to change the face of the neighbourhood I grew up in rather significantly (and that is a neighbourhood that I still love.)

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