Sunday, 22 December 2013

a walk on the wild side

We had our ice storm. The alerts are all done and gone. While it is still a bit slippy out, and there is some freezing rain coming down yet, the worst near where we live is finished. Thankfully, we are with power as a lot of local people are not. Rumour has it that those without power may not end up with their power back until Christmas Day at the earliest. I hope for their sakes that this does not happen - most modern houses need electricity to stay warm and cannot be heated without some form of power supply.

Anyhow, I managed to get in a bit of a walk.

It was quite eerie. There was a lot of damage from the ice build up on trees. Branches were everywhere. Even the smallest gust of wind made the trees creak and groan as ice cracked off of the branches.

The light was also marvelously diffuse, which made for some nice photography.

In all, I walked 12km and had a good time doing so.

an idea of how much ice was piling up on the twigs - it was quite a lot
some of the damage in the uptown
usually, we can bike under this, but not today
am not too sure how long that one will remain standing
these people were just too cute as they slipped about and took pictures
perhaps the best example of what I was seeing everywhere
down the tracks - note how much the evergreen is bending
how could anyone not see the beauty of winter?
waiting... personally, I would wait somewhere else rather than in a glass hut with branches falling...
down and out

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