Thursday, 6 January 2011

not here much and here is why

You see, my bike related photo a day project over on pbase is turning into a bike related photo a day photo blog project.

If you are interested, check it out here.

It is much more interesting than what I am doing here, which is nothing.

I still read blogs I follow here though. I just don't bother with writing much of my own.


Sunday, 2 January 2011

pitter pat pitter pat

Run: 12.56 km @ 8.36kmph taking 1:30:08
Run km Total: 99.61km

Time to assess how the 1500km goal for November 28, 2011 is going.

On the surface, I am going to miss it. However, I think I am on track to making it with ease. In the last 33 days, I have had two days out for Christmas, and no less than 15 out from being sick. Factor that in, and I am on track to blow past the 1500km mark with ease.

Now all I have to do is do it.